Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"Guys don't like you, they don't know you enough to like you yet, so when they take you out it's not because they actually like you, they just want you to be more comfortable with f***ing them..."-This Jerk I Know


Why is it that guys feel as though it's perfectly ok to sexually proposition a woman without knowing anything about her? Is this a trend that I'm not hip to? Am I a laggard when it comes to whore politics? Someone please hip me to the game...

Quick Story....
A buddy of mine (not me lol) meets a young man, they hit it off -kind of sort of- and my buddy decided to hang out with him a bit at his house-now by no means does hanging out with someone at their house, even at night, warrants the type of shenanigans that happened this particular evening- So my buddy and this guy are hanging out and all of a sudden the convo starts to go south...He tries to guess her bra size-hits it right on the mark-then asks her to guess how big his Johnson is...she just happens to look down and it's sitting there right in his HAND!

Now what in the hell kind of %*!!@ is this...While I laughed at the ridiculousness of the story that she was telling me...I couldn't help to console her by telling her that I couldn't count the many times that a Johnson was just pulled out of nowhere on me as if I was on a date with a stick up kid! Well needless to say he was a bit upset when she REJECTED his advances. He then called her the 24 year old virgin and Mother Theresa and fell asleep. She stayed awoke all night-I'm sure to guard her private parts-and left as soon as the sun rose without saying a word....

So...what is it about having an hour long conversation with a guy that makes him feel comfortable enough with sexually propositioning us? I'm confused...

Then I start to ponder that if that person even wanted to know me at all...and that if the date that he so graciously paid for...is just some sort of barter. Like trading a meal for sex...Like water for chocolate.

A wise asshole once told me..."guys don't like you, they don't know you enough to like you yet, so when they take you out it's not because they actually like you, they just want you to be more comfortable with f***ing them"... So sad if this true...

I'm currently testing this theory out. I'll get back to you all a little later and give you some more insight on my quest for sincerity.
-The Tiff "I date, therefore I know."

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